Palm Oil Sourcing and Sourcing Policy Details

    P&G is committed to the responsible sourcing of palm oils and to sharing transparently details of our sourcing policies, suppliers and supply chains.

    • P&G is committed to the responsible sourcing of palm oils from suppliers and via supply chains that protect ecosystems from conversion and deforestation, respect human and labour rights and land tenure rights.  P&G’s direct suppliers are expected to be members of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and to have the necessary policies and procedures in place to comply with 2018 RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C’s) Our suppliers must comply with P&G’s Forest Commodities Policy and Responsible Sourcing Expectations for External Business Partners. These cover our environmental and social expectations including our No Deforestation, No Development on Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE)l expectations. They can be accessed below:

    • At P&G respect for Human and Labor rights is fundamental to the way we manage our business. We support the U.N. Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights which respects and honors the principles of internationally recognized human rights including:

      • Those rights expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights
      • The principles concerning fundamental rights as set out in the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

      For P&G's Human Rights Statement

      Learn More
    • P&G Forest Commodities Policy holds all suppliers to the same high standards with respect to No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE). Suppliers must comply with our Forest Commodities Policy, Responsible Sourcing Expectations for External Business Partners and RSPO’s 2018 P&C’s. This applies to all our palm oils purchases regardless of whether the oils are RSPO certified or not.

      Goals: Palm Oils Used in P&G Brands:

      P&G seeks to maintain 100% RSPO certified palm oils usage in our brands. We have a preference to use:

      • 100% RSPO certified Segregated (SG) Palm Oil
      • 100% RSPO certified Mass Balance (MB) Palm Oil Derivatives
      • 100% RSPO certified Mass Balance (MB) Palm Kernel Oil and Palm Kernel Oil Derivatives.

      Across 2022 we have faced both on-going availability and logistical transport challenges in palm oils sourcing. Despite the challenges we have been able to maintain 100% RSPO certified materials for use in our brands. We purchased a combination of RSPO certified SG/MB Palm Oil to meet our business continuity commitments. Final data for fiscal year results can be found here

      Goals: Palm Oils Used for External Sales by P&G Chemicals

      All Palm Oils and Palm Kernel Oils used by P&G Chemicals (PGC) must comply with P&G’s Forest Commodities Policy and Supplier Expectations. Palm Oil purchased by PGC is 100% RSPO certified. For Palm Kernel Oil, availability remains a key challenge to maintaining or increasing the percentage purchase of RSPO certified oils. We continue to work with industry stakeholders and customers to identify ways to grow availability and demand. This includes driving awareness and advocating for use of certified palm oil and targeting increased availability through support for smallholder certification (RSPO ISH standard) and Jurisdictional certification approaches.

    • At P&G we recognize the importance of Supply Chain Traceability to help us ensure Responsible Sourcing and on-going Compliance Monitoring. We also understand the importance of sharing information about our Supply Chain transparently. The following information will be published bi-annually:

      P&G Tier 1 Palm Supplier List:

      Covering ~ 98% of all P&G direct palm oils purchased.

      P&G Palm Mill Supply List:

      Covering 98% traceability of Palm Oils supply to Mills.