
    Nature - Partnerships

    We are supporting transformative and systemic solutions that help protect and build the resilience of ecosystems in landscapes critical to the broader industry in which P&G operates.

    Rimba Collective

    P&G is a founding member of the RIMBA Collective. This 30-year program was established in 2020 by a group of companies* with a shared commitment to support long term community and landscape programs in Indonesia and Malaysia. It aims to support local community and NGO led programs designed to protect and restore 500,000 hectares of forest and support 32,000 people in forest communities.

    In 2022, the first full year of operations, RIMBA supported forest conservation programs reaching 73,000 hectares of land. In 2023, we aim to protect and restore 200,000 hectares of Landscape. You can learn more about the work and community and NGO-led programs supported by the RIMBA Collective: Here

    * Founding Partners include P&G, Nestle, PepsiCo, Unilever


    Rainforest Alliance Forest Allies

    P&G has been partnering with Rainforest Alliance since 2003 and has now continued our partnership with the Rainforest Alliance by supporting their efforts to develop and launch the Forest Allies Community of Practice. We are proud to be a founding member. Responsible management of forests is beneficial not just for our business, but more importantly, for the environment and people who depend on it. The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization working to create a better future for people and nature.

    Learn more here


    Evergreen Alliance

    P&G joined a group of like-minded corporate partners to form the Arbor Day Foundation’s Evergreen Alliance, a community of leaders driving innovation, discovery, and action in the Foundation's work to plant trees, engage tree planters, and elevate awareness of the value of forests. The Evergreen Alliance helped the Foundation meet the Time for Trees® initiative to plant 100 million trees and inspire 5 million tree planters by 2022.

    Learn more here


    WWF Forests Forward

    In 2022, P&G joined Forests Forward, WWF’s performance-based program that engages companies to improve forest management and responsible trade worldwide and invest in nature-based solutions to conserve and enhance vital forest landscapes.

    Learn more here
